Darklands Skins from Crimson Shadow

Crimson Shadow by Tox1c Chemistry commissioned some skins from Draconic Lioncourt, and was kind enough to let me have a peek at the Tone 03 collection. The palest skins are only a touch darker than pure white, so if you are very much into the gothic look, fear not! I have a sample of the makeup available here, which are available on all the tones.

They all have pretty names, such as (L to R, top to bottom): Glamour Goth, Wild, Pink, Bloody Mary.

And here are some details of the body, after the cut…

Ok are are you ready? Here we go!

I really love this tone and the overall flawless look of the skin. The shading and highlights are light and don’t distract the eye. The eyebrows (if you look up =p) are on the thin side, but personally, I prefer thin eyebrows, especially with heavier makeup. My most favorite makeup was Glamour Goth, red lips + glam eye makeup = winning choice every time in my books. Each skin is L$ 1000, and there are demos in the store.

One thought on “Darklands Skins from Crimson Shadow

  1. Hi! ^^ Excuse me, I read your blog and now I have one for me too… I linked you on mine. ^^ Just for let you know this! And if you’re interested, I sell sculpted shoes for 5L. ^.^ Ahah.
    Well, sorry if I was OT! And for my english, that is bad…

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