Skin Fair 2008


Press Release:

Vanity Universe is proud to present Second Lifes first International Skin Fair in our brand new Vanity Universe location.   Opening its doors on Saturday, March 1st, 1 pm PST, more than 65 Second Life skin designers are waiting to present their existing and new products to those visiting the fair.

The huge skin variety guarantees something for everyone. Meet the known designers exhibiting next to talentes newcomer and small companys, not only to enjoy the new products debuting that date, but also to enjoy an amazing fashion show being put together by the FACES modeling agency.

We hope to see you there and are pleased to welcome you to Vanity Universe!

My Fave New Shopping Sim!


It’s possible that I’ve totally missed a great shopping experience before yesterday! I discovered Harajukubox City while searching for some Japanese inspired items with that clever little search function. There wasn’t anything specific I was looking for so I teleported on over to check it out and was overloaded with colors and signs and pretty things that I hadn’t seen before! Billed as “Japanese Neko Shopping” this sim certainly offers lots of wares for the Neko in you, but there are tons of other options. Here is the landing point with teleporter walls set up. As you can see there are well-known stores such as “Neko Gear”, “Kyoot” and “Draconic Kiss”. I also discovered some stores that were new to me. Continue reading

A Quick Note.

I heard about another case of theft in Second Life, and again, it affects one of my favorite designers. So I’ll give you the link to her blog which explains a bit of the situation. I’d like to say something to all the shoppers out there: if something seems too good to be true, then it just might be. Please use common sense when purchasing items that are at a drastically marked down price. Also, if someone offers you a lower price on an item while shopping in a store, make sure they work for the company and aren’t ripping you off or selling something stolen. This may be Second Life, but you should use your real brain.

The link to the blog post about another stolen item: Maitreya.

Are You Ready For Valentine’s Day?

Hi everyone! I’m glad to be back to posting about fashion and done mucking about with blog settings!


I want to show you 2 more options for your valentine’s wear…both are from a new designer called Pompeja Rossini of PomJ Fashion.
This is called Valentina, obviously due to it’s holiday flair. Adorned with hand-drawn fluffies around each arm and the plunging v-neck, and accompanied by a mini-skirt (opaque or sheer) and stockings, no one can doubt the intentions of the woman who wears it. Although, without the stockings provided, add some knee socks and flats, you could have quite the precious ensemble. There are 2 versions of each style of skirt provided, one with a sit script and one without. It’s up to you if which one you choose to wear. Technically there are few problems with the outfit, the seams line up well, almost perfectly. The outfit, with 4 prim skirts, is L$ 250. Continue reading

A Big Change

After some contemplation, being added to the SL fashion feeds, and struggling with my old template, I’ve made the big move to WordPress. I’m already learning the new tools at my disposal, and will be trying to update all my links as soon as possible. A lot of work went into the old blog so I won’t be deleting it. Instead, I’ll leave it up as it is so that people may read the old posts and, in all truthfulness, it holds a place in my heart because I did start it only a month into my avatar’s life.

I hope you don’t have to wait too long for my first fashion-related post here, but until then, catch up on what I was talking about over on Blogger:

SL Shop-a-holic